What Is The Best Way To Start a Solo Practice After Fellowship.

Dr. Shachi Patel and Justin Harvey

Probably one of the most daunting endeavors after graduating Residency or Fellowship. Today we have Justin Harvey who is a financial planner providing services to anesthesia and pain physicians. His podcast can be found here. Dr. Patel goes over her experience not only opening a solo interventional pain clinic but how she managed to balance her family life. A must listen to those wanting to embark on this endeavor.


  • Mentorship, whether directly or indirectly can help guide you. What I mean directly is having someone that went through opening their own practice sit down and talk with you. Indirectly, listening to stories, reading books and consuming media(YouTube, PodCasts etc) to allow you access to even more education.
  • Your time is finite, resist the urge to micro manage and delegate tasks to those more suited
  • Network. The is your business, your livelihood. Take the time to meet people, even if it means going door to door and physically introducing yourself.
  • Banks: As a Physician, some banks are set up with staff understand the requirements and may provide insight into what your next step should be including financing through them.

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